Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Marshmallowest Man in the World

I still have the first marshmallow my grandfather gave me. 
It fascinated me and I started saving them in safety. 
I learned how to turn marshmallows into more marshmallows. 
I studIEd how to earn marshmallows. 
At summer camp, I would never burn marshmallows.

I quIEtly accrued marshmallows and used them for shelter and food. 
With a million marshmallows I was never abused
and people were less rude to me. 
I have had my share of marshmallow-hungry women
who trIEd to dig for my marshmallows from the beginnin';
especially once I had enough marshmallows to swim in.

To ninety-nine percent of the population, marshmallows are a rarity
so I donate a few handfuls of marshmallows to charity. 
I am hardly affected by the marshmallowy disparity,
even though people lIE for and steal marshmallows. 
UnbelIEvably, people scheme to kill for marshmallows! 
It has no real value, it is only still a marshmallow.

Just to say I have marshmallows makes me happy,
though a marshmallow does not provide me happiness, exactly. 
I could pile my marshmallows into a marshmallow isle
since I have marshmallows for miles. 
They tell me it is immoral but I am in denial...
like my sixty billion marshmallows could put the AIDS cure in a buyable vial. 
Those notions are wild! 
It take more than marshmallows to feed every famished child.

My children want me to divide my marshmallows when I dIE.
Why?! These are MY marshmallows.

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