Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Flowers and Gold

I had a gold coin, unplated and pure;
admired by each eye that held it.
My greed for the treasures had faded for sure
for it made me whole when I felt it.
I spit shined and polished it everyday
to make sure that there were not smudges.
But when it was stored and out of the way
the stains returned as if with grudges.

In the Garden of Eden, I cut a stem
of the thornIEst bud in the shrub.
Removed from the brIEr, oh what a gem!
The petals spread with a light rub.
I savored the fragrance of the bouquet
it entangled my heart like a vine.
If the leaves get tattered or fray
the bloom of the gods are still mine.

Gold loses value, flowers will wither
and spring will eventually fall.
Its certain to know not only snakes slither,
for even a begging man crawls.
A great horde of suitors will search for the chest
and princes will tend to the lawn.
The one that she will be devoted to next,
wont know beauty until it is gone.

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