Thursday, April 5, 2012

Faith Is Some Bullshhh

Walk in faith, not by sight. Blind faith. Psshh. I hope yall know that doesnt mean to just follow what someone tells you and to have faith in it. Thats not what God wants from you. Ive never heard a pastor encourage the active pursuit of God. I mean seriously, dont we all need to see to belIEve?! Go get your proof. Obey his instructions, submit your will and KNOW that God exists. Its that easy!

I can tell yall dont belIEve. O ye of little faith. Smh. Theres a visible difference between confessing one's faith and the ascertion of one's true belIEfs. And that is because faith in the divine sense is rooted in CERTAINTY. And once you're certain of something it is damn near impossible to live in contrary of that me. A truth is, fire is hot. I live my life in fear (respect and reverence) of that heat because I KNOW what the penalty is when I dont. If you TRULY belIEve in God's laws, why is it so hard for you to live within those parameters? I bet you dont test the law of gravity daily, do you. Thought not. Smh.

Now, scripture tells us we shall only have the faith of a mustard seed to move a mountain. A mustard seed is tiny, very tiny. That lets us know that faith (remember this means CERTAINTY) is not the easIEst thing to obtain. It is a difficult thing to belIEve for real for real. It is not required that you have a mountain of hope, which is what most people's faith reeeally is. Just give God a mustard seed amount of pure, true, genuine, authentic, sure, understood, accepted, acknowledged conviction. God should be a fact. God is saying "know my truth fully" and whatever you seek you shall find; all wants will be satisfIEd. But you have to be doubtless!! You must do what it takes to convince yourself that there is no alternative but to belIEve. Then you might get your mustard seed.

I was very close with someone who attended church, sent scripture through emails and always answered "blessed" when asked how she was doing. Yet she is the most troubled spirit I have ever encountered. There is an uneasiness in her that has been unsettling for the duration of our acquaintance. She would probably argue me to death but I can guarantee she doesn't belIEve. Maybe she does not know how to get to her truth, maybe shes comfortable with just going through the motions, but I have no doubts that she has not let go and let God. I KNOW it is not possible to let small demons affect you when you have been granted the power and authority to defeat them. Whats an ant to a soldIEr? Cmon now! One can not be stressed if you KNOW that its going to be ok. Can you? NO! Jeezus, most of this is logic! How can you fear something that you KNOW can not hurt you? Oh, because you are not CERTAIN.

Those who know me know Im not churchy or biblical. Ive dismissed those feelings of absence as I sought my truth. I went the long way to God. I grew up in church. Choir, bible study, the whole shabang, dont test my trivia homIE! Then I began reading books on philosophy, history, the brain/mind, metaphysics, paranormal abilitIEs, spirituality, and death and began having doubts. Somethings did not connect within my frame and vIEw on common sense. I continued to read and expose myself to various influences seeking to gain perspective while avoiding sermons. I found my God. He already knew me, though. He knew that I would come find out what His purpose is for me. So I have attended church for the past four weeks. And Ive submitted and can say I actually KNOW that God is working. No, hes not pulling strings. He wove the universe's tapestry a long time ago and gave us the choice to be happy in this perfect chaos or a loose thread not included in the masterpIEce.

It slightly saddens me when "belIEvers" are negative, pessimistic, burdened, and feeling defeated. It lets me see and those demons see that their faith is weak; their CERTAINTY has faltered. Something is not working. What instructions are you reading? Where did you stray in the recipe? I got my peace. Why do I feel this amazing? We know its not because Im luckIEr or in a better position in life. Haha, I wish!! I KNOW Im favored because Ive received the confirmation. I got the results if you need to see the proof. Life throws curveballs and we will all experIEnce pebbles and boulders on our path but we can not allow a circumstance to dictate what we KNOW. Obey the plan, become convinced. God is worth your certainty.

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